Friday, February 22, 2013

Joel Stubbs Is One Of The Baddest!

Sweet mother! Have you ever seen muscle more explosive like this before in your life!? Bahamian athlete Joel Stubbs has the kind of body that should be included in one of the wonders of the world, because you look at him and you are instantly transfixed. But there's more to him than just bodybuilding. He's also a pilot too! Who would've though!?

That is one beautifully delicious body!

They say that Joel has one of the best backs in the business, and it's not hard to see why. I want a piggy back ride so I can see for myself up close.

Those cuts are serious.

Look at how wide his shoulders are. That's insane. And those pecs are poppin'!

Stubbs is definitely one of the baddest.

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