For those who may not know, a bodybuilders' offseason, or mass-building stage, is basically a time when the competition season is over, and the bodybuilder is trying to put on more size and beef to his physique in order to prepare for next season. A lot of bodybuilders, however, also tend to put on a lot of fat during this time peculiarly, and as a result, when they do guest appearances and performances, they can come out with surprising appearances. Despite this trend, and as crazy as it may sound, to me some guys actually look sexy in their offseason phase. Let's take a look at some and tell me what you think.
Built like a brick house, that's for sure! I don't know about you, but I want to get a hug from this guy.
Just looks so yummy.
Check out this guy.
Sean Allen. Oh my. He's a stud for sure.
When I look at Victor, I think, "juicy fruit!"
Ronnie Coleman. Whoa nelly!
I think Phil looks the best in his offseason stage.
What do you think?
Totally agree! As a matter of fact, I find them much hotter and more sexy when off-season.